Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Still Made in America...." Rotor Clip E-Book Now Available

US manufacturing companies that have survived the last few decades have a story to tell. Rotor Clip is no exception, which is why we are proud to offer our e-book, “Still Made in America…The Story of Robert Slass and his Contributionto US Manufacturing.

It’s not a self-congratulatory book, though we have always taken great pride in what we do. Rather, it is a look at how Bob Slass, our founder, met the many challenges he faced while transforming Rotor Clip from its modest beginnings in 1957 to the global leader it has become in the 21st century. As we all know, manufacturing changed dramatically in our country in the past as foreign concerns lured many companies and jobs away from the US with the promise of cheap wages and low overhead costs.
Rotor Clip E-Book Now Available

But, despite these factors, Bob Slass acted in the true spirit of American entrepreneurism in this country, working hard to restructure his company and embracing the latest technology to counter the adverse economic trends that drove many manufacturing companies out of business.

I was young and disillusioned when I walked into Bob Slass’ office in 1982. I had previously worked at companies that seemed mediocre and complacent, unwilling to recognize how things were changing in our country and what to do to counter them. Bob on the other hand was on top of it, enthusiastic and optimistic, challenging me and all those who worked for him not to sit still for what many saw as the demise of manufacturing in America.

Even when our competition was purchased by a large international company in the 1980’s, he never faltered, never once lost sight of his vision for Rotor Clip and what we could and did become.

That’s the spirit we wanted to convey in our book and that’s the story we want to tell.

I invite you to download a copy of our book by clicking on this link. Then forward it to anyone you think would want to celebrate a US manufacturing company that has not only survived, but thrived as an example of American commitment to hard work, dedication and entrepreneurism.

Joe Cappello is Director of Global Marketing for Rotor Clip Company.

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