The complaint rings all over the
country now from anyone driving on the roads:
"where did all these bicyclists come from and why won't they
leave?" After a brief decline in
2008, bicycle sales are back with a vengeance, in no small part because of the
financial advantage one has in navigating the increasingly more robust urban
landscapes of US cities.
But this newfound surge in
bicycle enthusiasm also means manufacturers have an opportunity to improve
designs to make the bike more exceptional and affordable for more buyers. As Paul Humphreys touches on in a recent article of Product Design & Development, a middle-class
earner who wants to buy a bicycle will probably have the disposable income to
purchase what he wants, but not splurge.
This means he or she will be looking for something cost-efficient, while
at the same time safe and long-lasting; and certainly not something that's
going to need multiple parts replaced as the years go by.
While the industry has been
around since the 19th century, there is still, amazingly, room to improve the
quality of the bicycle so that its performance and complexity do not outgrow
the budget its owners must assumedly have.
The following are three areas of innovations that can clearly be
improved upon for this burgeoning market:
#1. Make them easier to store:
Hill, founder of teamed up a
couple years ago with Schindelhauer
Bikes to design a very simple,
yet effective model for a "Thinbike"
that, when its pedals and handlebars are folded, pretty much disappears behind
your open door. It's a tiny and indirect
characteristic of riding but one that is crucial to be solved for the urban
owner. Space utilization drives the
purchasing power of any resident in a major US city and storing your bike
indoors without having to move around furniture or sacrifice a few belongings
will heavily influence which future designs survive and which do not. In keeping with this, the Cycloc ,
a very advanced domestic wall hanger for a bike is another design
#2. Improve night riding.

there's one thing that freaks me out when I drive at night, it's coming across
a bicyclist on the road ahead of me, not really as far to the right as they
could be, with one, measly, dimly lit red light taped behind the seat. And if that's enough to make me grip my wheel
tighter as I pass, I can only imagine how the bicyclist feels. A step in the right direction is a concept
bike wheeled out by Seattle-based Teague
. The Pulse , as it's called, has LED lighting embedded in the
handles and pedals, which function as signal lights (if you pause here, you can
hear auto drivers everywhere collectively throw their hands up and shout
"Finally!") to let travelers behind you know when you turn. In addition, a chemically altered paint on
the body of the bike glows in the dark, improving the overall visibility of the
rider. Aside from this design,
Boston-based Mitchell Silva created a similar concept, using the handlebars
exclusively as signal lighting sources, but making them extremely intense. This field is clearly a hotbed of
experimentation and an ideal model can still be hammered out for real-world use.
I don't want a bunch of bicyclists riding around watching blu-ray DVD's, but,
as we've learned countless times with auto drivers, if you deprive the vehicle
of any entertainment or communication accessories, people are just going to add
their own, rather crudely, and sometimes dangerously. If I had a dime for every bicycle rider I
passed with earbuds jamming their auditory canals (you know the ones you need
to hear cars passing behind you?) I'd have enough to buy a pair of wire cutters
so I could make sure they stayed home.
That being said, there's no getting around music as a perfect riding
partner, and iHome has found a way around the closed off option of earbuds. Their Bike To Beach Speaker can be fitted onto any bike, and has iHome's
patented sound technology that provides a rich sound covering a wide enough
area for the rider to hear their favorite song in optimal quality. However, this is not tech that comes with the
bike, yet, and it's perfectly reasonable and feasible that bicycles of the next
decade could feature systems like this to further entice buyers.
Donal Thoms-Cappello is a freelance writer for Rotor Clip
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