Mobile home owners in America generally deal with an unfair
stigma of being low income, underinvested, or impermanent. Out of the 20million mobile home owners in America, however, there is so much variety, it
would be unfair to apply these characteristics to them all. Mobile communities
in the U.S. are not only numerous; they are growing and diversifying in so many
forms. In fact, the space-conscious models of the typical mobile home make it
ideal to create new generations of homeowners that must co-exist in
ever-increasing populations across cities of the new century.

Considering this, it makes sense for companies in
construction and manufacturing - both residential and commercial- to explore
this rising demand. Trends such as “tiny houses” and redesigned prefabricated
homes may be pointing towards a “new norm” of home ownership. While there have
already been numerous ideas that emphasize space-conscious minimalism and
repurposing or relocating, they tend to be aimed at small luxury markets. The
potential for the average American small business or resident, however, to be
part of a rethinking of movable homes, is still there, and largely untapped.
MADI’s Sustainable Pre-Fab Home: There are many companies
already exploring with ways to build flexible and mobile residences. One such is the Italian-based prefab home company,
MADI. Designed by world-renowned architect, Renato Vidal, the company’s newest
model is a singular A-frame that can be delivered and installed on a property
in just under seven hours with minimal labor. Available in three sizes, MADI’s
house is solar-powered, so it can function off-grid, and its smallest version
comes in at only $33,000; a few thousand cheaper than the average single-wide mobile home.
Ten Fold Engineering: This UK company has come up with a
one-of-a-kind lever-folding system to produce homes that can literally "build themselves" within 10 minutes. All that is needed is an electric drill to
begin the process, and a fail-safe designed around the floors being folded
ensure the building will never fold on its own while residents are inside.What’s
more, Ten Fold’s construction is designed around ready-made spaces, making it
possible to even transport desired furniture and utilities.

These examples are just one of many, and have all moved
beyond the prototype phase and are one step closer to mass production. Any one of them could be invested in and applied to communities across America right now. If such an undertaking were to happen, the term "mobile home" could one day have a whole new meaning.